Link bounty

Link a PR with a bounty

This guide will explain how contributors can link a Github PR with an accepted bounty.

Link your PR

Once you've accepted a bounty, you should start working on it. When you're ready to submit your work, just create a Github PR that references the issue.

You can do this by adding a comment in the PR that starts with /githoney and calls the link-bounty command.

The link-bounty command has the following parameters:

  • bountyId: the id of the bounty, which can be found as a comment by the bot in the issue that describes the task.


/githoney link-bounty --bountyId 111

For detailed information on available commands please refer to the Bot commands section of the documentation.

The Githoney bot will give you a thumbs-up 👍 once it receives your command. It will then link the PR with the bounty, so the maintainer can review your work and approve the PR.